A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Entry for the Orangepixel Mockup Game Jam: https://orangepixel.net/2023/10/13/orangepixel-mockup-game-jam/

Made in a couple of hours using the provide assets.

A/D or W/S or <--> or ^ v to rotate canon.

Space or Left mouse button to shoot

Change log v1.1:

- Fixed:  XP is not reset when restarting the game within a play session. 
- Removed: Rotation speed upgrade card.
- Added: Standard non-upgradable pleasant rotation speed.


ApexDefender 1_1.app.zip 33 MB
Apex Defender 1_1 (Win).zip 36 MB


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Dam, moving that gun at the begining is hard, but love the game, was very cool to play, was able to go to the 12 wave, so I'm happy :D

Woah this was addictive to play haha, I sucked at it but very original and fun! 


Glad you liked it. i think it can easily be expanded. Was fun to make!